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Information - - DISCOVERED FORGOTTEN AIR RAID SHELTER IN SHOEBURYNESS : April 2022 | Underground Sites |


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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
For such a long time we have been looking to prove that underground Tunnels/Shelters/Structures can exist within Shoeburyness despite the land being so close to the water table.

We did ALOT of research and one day last month decided to go looking for an entrance of some kind that we believed would lead us to a bunker of sorts..

It took us a few attempts..we were in the right area ..but just had to narrow down which was the right point to enter via..

Upon finding the 'Emergency Exit' ..myself, another team member and his son excavated our way down and inside.

We found litter dating back to 1972.. which is an indication of the last time anyone had accessed this awesome example of an underground Air Raid Shelter in Shoeburyness..

I posted on a local history page our find.. but withheld the exact location within Shoeburyness to help protect the ARS since it was clean from any rattle can grafitti etc..

I managed to contact the land owner and we were given permission to release the photos etc..

A local paper and radio station contacted me for a live interview and to cover the story..

We enjoyed the explore and were over the moon to find a real reinforced concrete Air Raid Shelter underground in Shoeburyness.

Despite being small in size ..this is HUGE as it opens up the possibility for more Tunnels and Shelters etc within Shoeburyness..

Which now elevates my hopes for another urban legend or old wives tale also regarding tunnel/s in Shoeburyness and a pair of Old Red Brick houses (Manor and Gate House).

Please respect our decision not to give away the exact location

Here are some of the photos I took and a copy of the News Paper cover/age etc.

We know YouTube is frowned upon here so I won't attach a LINK..

But hope you enjoy the photographs.










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Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User

I was able to get some epic photos after excavating an untouched for 70 years WW2 Shelter.. The bunker had zero grafitti.. But... It was flooded and empty as far as artifacts etc go..

I was able to get these photos with permission of the land owner...however the LO hasnt allowed me to publically post the images as of yet...

I dont want to bite the hand that feeds me.. as much as its killing I really want to post them.

So you asked how to post the thing respectfully and out of the public eye then post the same thing to youtube, FB groups and brag of getting in some wanky local paper?

Are you for real? ...Also that shelter is rubbish haha!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
No, I got permission to post it, ..and you are missing the point !! ..This 'proves' underground structures 'DO' exist in Shoeburyness when a majority exclaim there are zero. It doesn't really matter how big or small it is...its the fact that its there at all.

I knew someone would have something negative to say ..congrats for being 'that guy'

Also i didn't say 'out of the public eye'.. regardless of your feelings about social media.. ultimately the same could be said about this site. Its still giving information to the public with photos and media...and whom members share the locations with is out of this sites power..

The Shoebury History pages and heritage centre are very happy with our find even if you are not. ..and the land owner is happy with the content we've shared and the loose location identity we gave so as not to get a tour bus load of people coming to vandalise and spoil it for others ...which so far - they have not.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've watched some of the video and see you end by walking across the railway footbridge. This seems to have had open wire roofing put on it since my last visit as seen at There was a spate of things being thrown from that footbridge at passing trains
That's correct, I am unsure of the exact date but the roof and sides were added I think approx cc1998/2000 ..although it may have been a few years before.. I will try and find out ..also the main signal hut has been removed now which you could see if you stood in the middle of the bridge and looked down towards East Beach.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Fair play to you for seeking out something new, albeit a little aggrandized.

Based on the clues in the video I would suggest this was in the car park of the Shoeburyness Fire Station; in which case there's no need for secrecy if it's that simple to locate.
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Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
It’s a nice find and their is nothing better than being the first in places , but on the other hand I would seriously look at going back and re photographing it to document a place history groups need crisp clear photos . :thumb


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
So you asked how to post the thing respectfully and out of the public eye then post the same thing to youtube, FB groups and brag of getting in some wanky local paper?

Are you for real? ...Also that shelter is rubbish haha!
the wording on the local rag says it all "Youtubers".


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

the wording on the local rag says it all "Youtubers".
Sadly that wasn't what we wanted to be known as.. we said Urban Explorers... but they chose YouTubers... still .. We do have a YouTube Channel

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