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Knock John Sea Fort - May 2018 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 3 |

Knock John Sea Fort - May 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What a place to spend the day! I gotta ask though, what were the 25 bouncy balls for? :D

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Not a lot of people know this, but those two enormous cylindrical legs that support the fort down to the sea bed are actually hollow, and contain 6 floors of decks. The soldiers bunks, generator rooms and shell storage

I didn't know that until fairly recently until I read about Sealand in Holding the Fort ( )

the old bunks still plastered with the pin-ups of the 40s

Small details like this are all it takes to have an insight into the exact period when these forts were manned.

The whole report was an education and a pleasure - Thanks.


Maglite size T-rex, It's time for urbex!
28DL Full Member
Awesome effort there, interesting to hear about the legs on those forts...... I'd always assumed they were just filled with concrete or something


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Bloody outstanding,that last remaining platform on Shivering Sands Forts doesnt look much worse than it did some 5 odd years ago,still reckon one step and its gone though

Mr Sam

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
been fascinated by Sealand (Roughs Tower) for years so proper cool to see one in more original form, what make were the generators?

Baggy trousers

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I tip my hat to the pair of you. Possibly the most epic of adventures ive seen in a long time. Very well done lads, impressive work!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We’d had a cracking afternoon in the sunshine up there, nyoming cheap BBQ’d Richmonds, sinking Whitstable IPA and watching the container ships fly by in the Knock John Channel.









I was sad to leave Knock John, but not before claiming her as a crown dependency of Yorkshire (note flag). You never know when you might need a micro nation to bolt to when it all goes wrong (SNCLand will be issuing passports in 2019).


The get out was a bit more complicated as well. I abseiled into the boat to find that the wind had turned a little, turning that perfect flat ocean we had come in on to a slightly choppier affair. When combined with the rapid ebb of the leaving tide around the pillars of the fort and a 15 knot wind, keeping the boat stable for the derig and bag drop was an absolute nightmare.
Click. Reverse gear. Hold steady. Bag in. Unclip. Click. Neutral. “LINE FREE!”. Wait. Click. Forward gear. Click. Neutral. Hold steady. “BAG COMING”. Get bag. Click. Reverse gear. Unclip. “LINE FREE”….


Donny finished up, pulled a perfect ab into the boat and pulled the line in, and we shot off into the sunset for Herne Bays finest fish and chips via the Shivering Sands Forts.



Solid day out.
I take my hat off to you

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