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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Cheers @Speed - I'll check them out. Are they the best examples of what we're trying to achieve, in your opinion?

Original crainiacs was before the Beetham climb, me and Stumpy nailed a load before that although only a few reports survive. This is the earliest on the forum although not the best example...

Looking at the dates, the 'crainiacs' era was only really 2006 in general. A great time when all the cranes were undefended and security unsuspecting.

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
I was thinking the original HR clock tower one, good shout Speed.

The first Victoria Arches report?

Not sure there was one. Stepping Lightly nailed it and it was ridiculous, I don't think any report could take the place of his original effort. I'll take a look though.


Drama Queen
Staff member
Ah ok I thought I recalled SL doing a report on it. Shame he didn't because it would have been a good one for here otherwise


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Just some ideas really, In the High Royds/St Joes cases Turk wasn't the exact first person in either but ive picked reports from the rough time each were first done and in most cases Turks reports are the only ones left with proper pictures. I think they should go in just to show people where this stuff came from.

Park Royal was just an idea, maybe not good enough

My Pyestock report wasnt the first on here but that day was when we discovered at least half of the site, power station, cell 1+2, battle hose, plant house and of course the cell 3 doors, probably the best report from back in the early days if i do say so myself! :P

Ive always regarded Beetham as the best of the tower crane era, in fact ive not known one better since. Seems like most cranes today are either short or dont need to be climbed from the base.


Drama Queen
Staff member
Any of the RAF Fauld reports worthy of being put in here? Having seen one being bumped this week reminded me about it.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I think we should avoid people nominating their own reports to go in really ;) . A few weird ones have snuck in already that don't seem to fit the definition.

Its supposed to be for reports of really exceptional stuff or exploring, old 'first' reports from places that became really popular or well known (battersea for example) or reports that are a bit special or have had loads of effort put in (Dweebs mill one there even tho he did nominate it himself :P)

I don't see why things like earls court are particularly noteworthy.

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