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Trespass Law

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
ohh, what I tend to do for the icing on the cake is provide them with the option to watch my previous videos for a further insight to what you are doing.

Also, I tend to record before entering the Plore so I can prove the best I can that I didn't cause Criminal Damage to gain Access.

However. That's just me. And everyone has there method :D

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Hi everyone, the other night me and a friend got caught exploring a construction site in south London and got taken to the station for suspicion of burglary, even though we had no tools for entry or stolen/damaged anything, only camera equipment. We spent a night in a cell and got let out the next day with a no further action once they realised what we were doing. I'm 17 and my friend is in his 20's. would you say doing abandoned places and rooftopping is still fine for me or do you think I shouldn't carry on? What are police likely to do this time if I get caught?

It's a shock the first time, not so bad after that. It's a standard tactic they use to piss you off, they know they can't charge you with anything. Just count down your 12 hours in the cells, get your free breakfast and you'll be out of there.

So as long as you are curtious and polite, you are fine..

Nope, no need to be courteous and polite. You can be a complete obnoxious jerk. Once they've made the decision to arrest you, you're in the cells for 12 hours regardless.

so nothing different is likely to happen this time? what about charged for wasting police time?

Won't happen. They've wasted their own time.

Its happened to most of us and we all carry on. Next time your caught they ask you if your 'known' to police. Just tell them about the last time you got caught and its almost better than having a clean record.

Yep. Cut's out a lot of hassle I think. They can prove, at the scene, that you're just trespassing and no other motive.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well, in response to the above.

To clarify, whether they decidet to Cell you or not.

I choose to speak to people Law Enforcement or not, in the above manor, they are only doing there job.

Granted. Some can be awkward and *A Dick* but doesn't mean you need to then become one in kind.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is there any difference in law by jumping over the fence and walk into not secured area?

Do signs on the fences mean a lot or they are there just to scare people off? Like "keep out" and "danger" and "no unauthorised access to this side, trespassers will be prosecuted”.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
"Trespassers will be prosecuted" is totally a scare tactic unless you damage anything, then you totally can be prosecuted as you jump from civil trespass (non-criminal) to a criminal version.

If you go over anything or climb anything you are committing civil trespass which is not a crime (unless you wander into a military base etc). As soon as you damage anything (even moving something) you are then committing a criminal offense and can be arrested and charged.

You should read more into it, could save you if you do get caught to know what you were doing.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi there!

I just moved here in UK from Europe, and quite new to the UK law. I have acquired a set of firebrigade master keys which I intend to use for rooftopping on council estates, does anyone know how the law is about it? I guess pretty illegal, but hope nothing more that civil trespass.



Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Good question tbh. The law in the UK largely depends on the concept of 'legal precedent' Basically if they can point to a similar situation that has gone to court in the past where there was a conviction then you dont stand much chance. Im not sure on FB keys specifically but lock picking is definitely one of those instances where even tho you are not committing any actual damage they class it as 'forcing entry' or whatever and can prosecute. FB keys may well be similar situation.


Staff member
Not many rooftops use FB key's and since Garrett not many useful places, but there's still a few we stumble on up and down ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know that many rooftops have upgraded with the gerda lock, however I tested the keys before on some east london council estate (no more that 5 storey tall) and they worked for all of them. I was just wondering about the law.


mockney reject

Staff member
Good question tbh. The law in the UK largely depends on the concept of 'legal precedent' Basically if they can point to a similar situation that has gone to court in the past where there was a conviction then you dont stand much chance. Im not sure on FB keys specifically but lock picking is definitely one of those instances where even tho you are not committing any actual damage they class it as 'forcing entry' or whatever and can prosecute. FB keys may well be similar situation.

Only a guess here but does it not come loosely under " going equipped" same as if they caught you with a crow bar?


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
In my head having a camera and keys isn't the same intent as having a camera and crowbar or picks. Sounds a bit lame now I read it back :coat

mockney reject

Staff member
i'm not sure mate, its something I've always wondered but don't know anyone who has ever been caught with a set

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